Friday, June 21, 2013

Summer is here, it's not too late to get ready

Summer has arrived, but it's not too late to shed a few pounds.  Studies have shown that weight resistance training combined with good cardio exercises is a great way to lose weight.  

Here are some great fat burning exercises by Muscle & Fitness magazine

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Breakfast - The most important meal of the day!

How many times have we heard that you have to eat breakfast.  Without a good breakfast you won't have the energy to go throughout your day.  We keep hearing it, because, frankly, it's true!

Your body needs energy to operate and after a long night's rest you need fuel to get you going.  Breakfast is that fuel. 

But you can't simply stuff your face with just anything.  The right foods are what make your energy levels increase.  Here are some simple healthy breakfast options.

Breakfast of Champions

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Become a Juicer

No not "that" kind of juicing, but pulverizing your fruits and veggies to produce great tasting healthy drinks. 

I recently purchased a juicer and starting making my own juice out of the fresh fruits and veggies that I am growing in my home garden.  I must say that I absolutely love it!  

The juice is fresh, tasty and the best part is I can experiment with different combinations to find what I like and what I don't like.

Here in this article from FitLife, a cardiologist explains why juicing works for better health.

Read the rest of the article here